A Lawyer Can Do It Better?

An incredibly shameful statement particularly when made by the president-elect of the Connecticut Bar Association and the former disciplinary counsel for Connecticut.
We would have expected him to Do IT Better.

A Lawyer Can Do It Better

By Mark Dubois

Mark Dubois, the former chief disciplinary counsel for Connecticut, is now an attorney at the New London firm of Geraghty & Bonnano. Dubois is president-elect of the Connecticut Bar Association, but his opinions are reflect only his views and not those of the CBA.

The Connecticut Law Tribune

September 3, 2013

I read somewhere that some lawyers are suggesting that the courts or the legislature develop standard guidelines for alimony. The idea seems to be that there is too much variation from judge to judge, region to region and the public would be better served with a more predictable and uniform system. We had better be careful with this; we might put ourselves out of business.

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